I have published and presented at several conferences and events including ACM Siggraph, Annual Games User Research Summit, Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment, and Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting among others. I have also published a book – Navigation in hypermedia: a user-centered approach - with Dr. Stephania Padovadoni.


  • :: Foundations of Digital Games – GUR Workshop | 2012
  • :: Siggraph | 2011
  • :: Game User Research Summit | 2011
  • :: Electronic Arts Developers Conference | 2011
  • :: 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society | 2009
  • :: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment | 2006
  • :: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment | 2005


  • :: MOURA, D. and BARTRAM, L. Investigating Players’ Responses to Wayfinding Cues in 3D Video Games. Extended Abstract ACM SigCHI, 2014.
  • :: MOURA, D. and SEIF EL-NASR, M. Design techniques for planning navigational systems in 3D video games. ACM – Computers in Entertainment, 2014 [to appear].
  • :: MOURA, D., BARTRAM, L. and SEIF EL-NASR, M. The effects of ambient motion speed on player performance in video games. IEEE - International Games Innovation Conference, 2012.
  • :: MOURA, D., SEIF EL‐NASR, M. and SHAW, C. D. Visualizing and Understanding Players’ Behavior in Video Games: Discovering Patterns and Supporting Aggregation and Comparison. SIGGRAPH, 2011.
  • :: MILAM, D. SEIF EL‐NASR, M., MOURA, D., BARTRAM, L. Effect of Camera and Object Motion on Visual Load in 3D Games. 10th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 2011.
  • :: SEIF EL‐NASR, M., LAMEMAN, B., AGHABEIGI, B., GAGNE, A., MOURA, D., FOSTER, W. and DRACHEN, A. Developing Methods for Evaluation of Virtual Worlds and Multiplayer Games: An Early Report. GRAND Conference, 2010.
  • : LAMEMAN, B., SEIF EL‐NASR, M., DRACHEN, A., FOSTER, W., MOURA, D. and AGHABEIGI, B. (2010). User Studies – A Strategy Towards a Successful Industry‐ Academic Relationship. Future Play, 2010.


  • :: SEIF EL‐NASR, M., MOURA, D., AGHABEIGI, B., BONANNO, A., ZAMMITTO, V. and NEWTON, P. A closer look at your players: the Interplay between Telemetry, eye tracking, physiological, and survey measures. GRAND Conference, 2011.
  • :: SEIF EL‐NASR, M., LAMEMAN, B., AGHABEIGI, B., GAGNE, A., MOURA, D., FOSTER, W. and DRACHEN, A. Developing Methods for Evaluation of Virtual Worlds and Multiplayer Games: An Early Report. GRAND Conference, 2010.
  • :: MOURA, D. and RIECKE, B. E. (2009). Is seeing a virtual environment like seeing the real thing. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV 09).
  • :: RIECKE, B. E. and MOURA, D. (2009). Comparing spatial perception/cognition in real versus immersive virtual environments ‐ it doesn't compare! 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society.

Publications in Portuguese

  • :: PADOVANI, S. and MOURA, D. (2008). Hypermedia navigation: A user‐centered approach. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Ciência Moderna Ltda.
  • :: MOURA, D. and PADOVANI, S. (2006). Orientation and navigational aids: A comparison between physical and virtual environments. Estudos em Design, v. 14, p. 09‐32.
  • :: MOURA, D.; BREYER, F. and NEVES, A. (2006). Theory of traditional architecture and its applications to the design of digital game environments. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment.
  • :: BREYER, F.; MOURA, D.; PADOVANI, S. and NEVES, A. (2006). Usability Evaluation in the game development process: designing quality control methods for game development. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment.
  • :: FILHO, M.; NEVES, A.; ROCHA, D; FALCÃO, L.; MOURA, D. and REINALDO, G. (2006). Photography applied to game‐art. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment.
  • :: MOURA, D. and NEVES, A. (2006). Navigability Signs in games: a case study. In: P&D Design 2006, Curitiba. Anais do P&D Design 2006. Curitiba : AEnD‐BR.
  • :: PIRAUA, J.; MOURA, D. and PADOVANI, S. (2006). Discussing the Card Sorting: an analysis of the technique. In: 6o Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade, Design de Interfaces e Interação Humano‐Computador, 2006, Bauru. Anais do 6o USIHC. Bauru : UNESP
  • :: MOURA, D. and NEVES, A. (2005). Navigability: interpretation of signs in physical and virtual environments. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment, 2005. São Paulo : M. K. Zuffo & R. D. Lopes.
  • :: PADOVANI, S. and MOURA, D. (2005). Commonalities and Differences in orientation between real and virtual spaces and their implications to the design of hypertext navigation systems. In: 5o Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano‐computador, 2005, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 5o USIHC. Rio de Janeiro: LEUI | PUC‐Rio.